6 to 9 Months

6 months baby knows how to reach his favorite toy by rolling. But, he is not settled with just playing with one toy. He wants to explore his surroundings with a broader view. His neck, upper body, back muscles, legs and arms are getting robust day by day. Real fun is in to check out all the toys with both the hands. That comes when the baby is able to sit without supporting his body with own hands. You can see your baby approaching this milestone as early as 6 months or as late as 9 months.

Crawling milestone comes soon after the baby becomes pro in coming to sitting position on her own. Gradually, baby will realize his potential of going back and forth on his tummy with straight limbs first, then discovers the required push with his knees to get moving. Initially baby will need you to put him back to the sitting position when he is tired practicing his crawling skills. Later, baby becomes independent enough to change positions. You can expect the baby coming to a standing position holding on to something by 9 months. Baby is quite vocal now with his long babbles.

Your sharp baby will surprise you when he points to his favorite animal when you call its name. All babies develop at a different pace. The more opportunities, you give to a baby for free play in a safe room, the better are the chances to find that perfect Kodak moment earlier in infant’s life.

Physical growth / Movement

Social / Emotional skills

Vocal / Communication skills

Cognitive (learning, thinking and problem-solving) skills